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Moving Jasmine inside for the Winter

Q: I have a young jasmine in a pot outside. It has bloomed beautifully all Summer.

I am now making plans to bring all my house plants indoors for the winter. Where should I set my jasmine in hopes that it will bloom some during the winter?

A: Much of this depends on which jasmine you have.

The Jasminum polyanthum, commonly called the Chinese jasmine, tends to bloom well in winter, whereas other varieties will bloom only sparingly indoors, even under the best of conditions.

If you can find out which jasmine you have, that would be helpful. If you no longer have the identification tag from when you purchased the plant, contact the supplier and ask. This will help you determine whether or not you have a type that will bloom for you indoors.

For indoor care, water when the soil is dry, try to provide a half day of sunshine, but keep the plant away from heat registers (this tends to dry them out).

You might want to "mist" the plant frequently to increase the humidity, too.

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Tom Mugridge

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