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Can my Maple Tree be saved?

Q: Our house was built on a raven with a very steep slope. The maple was planted on the slope, 13years ago. We put in retaining walls, a patio and filled the ravine to the level of the tree.

Large roots were removed on one side of the tree,and fill dirt was put in up to the other side but not covering the base of the tree. There is several feet of dirt covering the roots growing out from the tree all around it.

Also the trunk was damaged from the large equipment used. This work took about two years to be completed. the first summer after, I noticed the leaves turning color early.

This year same thing, only more. Is our tree dying? Can it be saved somehow?


A: It is possible that the tree can be saved, but it may be a very low possibility.

It has suffered a tremendous amount of damage both above and below ground. Severing the roots was probably one of the worst things that could have been done to it, and damaging the trunk ranks a close second.

I recommend that you hire an arborist to inspect the tree to see if anything can be done for it. It may be too late, though.

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Arborist Tom Mugridge

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