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Q.We now have one room available. I would like to combine exercise equipment, my sewing materials and my computer in the room but a friend suggested that I should commit to one function for the room - and not clutter it with the other items. What would you suggest?

A. I think you are very wise to use the room as a multiple purpose. It takes planning to make it all fit and be usable.

Make a scale drawing of the space on paper using ¼" = 1 foot scale. Cut furniture templates from paper, using the same scale, representing the items you want to use in your room.

Most likely this will involve some built-ins and possibly storage areas. Great idea! Go for it!

Q. Do you have any advice for storing all the kitchen gadgets (breadmaker, pasta maker, roaster, broiler, Foreman grill, etc) that I just had to have so that they are accessible but not cluttering my kitchen?

A. If you have ample cabinets and they are of a more recent vintage that have pullout shelves---that would be one solution.

Most of us house in our kitchens many items that are rarely used. Purge your space of those items and store them anywhere that you can get to them when you need them.

If you are in a smaller kitchen cabinet-wise but have some floor space, there are several interesting storage cabinets that could be practical and pleasing to the eye.

They could be enclosed, open or a combination. If open you could create a cover with tie fronts in an appropriate accent fabric to add charm to your space.

Take measurements of space and your appliances. This gives you the information you need for making a good decision.

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Reita Bayman

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