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Chat with Pat
Introductory Column by Pat Hanson

The common greeting for those of us over 50 seems to be "Did you ever think we would get this old"?

Truth of it is, generations before us didn't, and those that did looked old. The women wore housedresses with their hair in buns. They stayed home in slippers and the men shuffled around, since they no longer went to work, wondering what happened. Not at all like us hipsters of today!

We are healthier, color our hair, have all those troublesome knees and hips mended so we can continue to play golf, travel, or whatever we please. (Of course we also surf the web making our daily stop at ClevelandSeniors.com so we don't miss out on anything - got to stay in the know!)

Is there a recipe you liked that you can't remember the ingredients to? Or perhaps you want to share one. What was the name of that song…or the words? Who was that movie star or ball player? I bet someone out there knows. Got a good joke or a trivia question? Share it with us.

Want to get something off your chest? Then this is the place. The only thing I have been warned about is that I can't debate Religion or Politics…darn it! I like quotes, saying, words of wisdom (like to collect them) though I can't say that I always practice what I preach. There, I think I've covered my bu…excuse me…..self.

Here's a sample. Over Mothers Day and Memorial Day I remember men wearing red or white carnations in memory of their mothers - Which day? Which color? (grammar teachers take cover - I write as disjointed as I talk)

Remember the signs we had posted on our houses when we got measles or the chicken pox?

Let's remember together, let's share our good and bad memories, and let's make this our column. If you want we can even talk about the news (or at least you can - remember I've been warned).

Quote: Conversation is the vent of character as well as of thought.

Let's chat.

Have something to share or a question to ask? Want to chat with Pat? E-Mail Pat at: patchat@ClevelandSeniors.Com

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