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Dwarf Alberta Spruce Tree in Container

Q: If I obtain a containerized tree at Christmas time, will the tree survive outside until planting in the spring?

We live in Middle Maryland with some severe winter weather. Thanks for your advice and your website.

A: I recommend that you "heel in" the pot for winter. Dig a hole about half the depth of the pot and slightly larger in diameter.

Place the pot in the hole, place the dirt back around the pot and up into a mound shape all around it (but not on top of the pot), then top it all off with a couple inches of leaves, straw, wood mulch or evergreen needles.

The reason for this is to keep the pot, and the roots therein, from freezing all the way through. It will very likely do this if the pot is totally exposed all winter, and this can spell the death of the root system. Dead root system = dead plant.

The soil mounded around the pot and the mulching material on top of everything will moderate the temperature. Before putting the mulching material on top, give the tree a good drink of water, and keep the mulch away from touching the trunk by a few inches.

Your spruce would still like some sunshine during the winter, so put it in a reasonably sunny spot yet sheltered from winter winds. Check the soil moisture within the pot during the winter and water if it's very dry.

You may also want to apply an anti-transpirant, which will help conserve moisture within the needles for the winter. Anti-transpirants are available at most nursery centers or garden supplies. Be sure to read and follow the directions on the label regarding application instructions. If in doubt, ask someone knowledgeable for advice.

Q: I was online researching the dwarf alberta spruce found your site very useful. I have one question and am hoping your Arborist can help me.

I purchased 6 dwarf alberta spruces after the Christmas holiday this year for use in landscaping projects in the spring. I live in Northern Ontario and am not sure how I can "store" them until them.

They have been stored outside until now, even at the store, and I think they are still dormant. Should I plant them in the garden, pot and all, until the spring?

Would it be better to store them in an unheated garage until then (with little risk of the pot feezing), and do they need to be watered and exposed to sun during this period?

Any suggestions you have would be appreciated!


A: If you will be waiting until spring to install the plants, you can "heel" them in temporarily until then.

Dig a hole 1/2 the height of the pot, put the plant in the ground, and place the hole-soil around the edge of the pots in a mound shape.

Give them a good drink of water, then top things off with a layer of mulch 2-3" deep but keep the mulch away from touching the trunk.

If you cannot do this now, you can keep them in an unheated garage but be sure the pot and root ball do not freeze, otherwise you may lose the plants.

Water them when the soil is dry (check by pushing your finger deep into the soil), place mulch on top of the root ball to conserve moisture, and some sunshine would help.

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