Apple Guide

Honeycrisp - Excellent for eating but not recommended for sauces or baking. They freeze best in slices.

Cortland - Good for eating but even better for sauces and baking. Not great for freezing.

Jonagold - Excellent for eating and baking. Makes good sauce, but not recommended for freezing.

Empire - Excellent for eating and good for sauce and baking. Freeze these as sauce, but not in slices.

Red Delicious - Excellent for eating and good for baking. They are not good for sauce. Should not be frozen.

Golden Delicious - Excellent for eating and baking and very good for sauce. Freeze these in either slices or sauce.

Melrose - Excellent for eating and for sauce and very good for baking. Can be frozen as slices or sauce.

Suncrisp - Strictly an eating apple. Not really good for sauces, baking or freezing.

Idared - Maybe the perfect apple. Excellent in eating, sauce, baking and freezing in any form.

Law Rome - Good for eating and sauce, but really shines in baking. Freeze in slices.

Winesap - Good for eating and sauce. Excellent for baking. Freeze in slices or sauce.

Fuji - Excellent for eating and baking, but not recommended for sauce. Freeze in slices.

Goldrush - Another perfect example. Excellent for eating, sauce, baking and can be frozen in any form.

Granny Smith - Only rates "fair" in eating and sauce, but can't be beat in baking. Freeze in slices.

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